If you have colored your naturally curly hair for years but are finally ready to ditch the dye and embrace the silver, check out these 10 tips.
- Cherish The Process
If you have colored your hair to hide the gray, it is not an easy feat to stop dyeing. Many women have been taught from a young age that aging (and graying) is undesirable. For many women, growing out the gray is the most painful, slowest part of the “going gray” process. It is truly a journey of personal discovery. That said, if you cannot stand how long the transition is taking, you could use a CGM-friendly root concealer to help blend your color.
- Trim The Colored Ends
As you grow out the gray, trim the ends every 3-6 months to speed up the transition, or chop off a bit more. Gray hair grows faster than pigmented hair.
- Moisturize and Hydrate Often
Gray curly hair can be drier and coarser than pigmented curly hair. Luckily, curlies do not have to change their routine too much. Incorporate a hot oil massage into your routine at least once a week or every two weeks. You may also need to deep condition more frequently and use heavier conditioning products. Or you may need to use a more moisturizing leave-in conditioner. The crown area may look especially frizzy while going gray. Those are actually new gray hairs growing in. When finally free from dye, your scalp (and edges) will be healthier and support new hair growth.
- Glossing or Glazing The Gray
Glossing or glazing over the gray can add back some of the shine that we all crave, and has great conditioning properties. Inquire about a gloss or glaze treatment at the salon. But stay away from any treatments requiring harmful chemicals or bleaching. See the article on glosses and glazes, some of which you can use at home.
- Go Gray in Secret
Suzan Barnes has a pretty cool video for how to grow your gray hair out in SECRET. What? Is that even possible? Go here to see for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rl7VP3By2M (part 1) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnYW8G5UbeY (part 2)
- Y is for Yellowing
To prevent gray hair from yellowing, wrap a pretty scarf or head wrap around your curls or wear a hat if you will be in the sun for extended periods of time. It is primarily the sun’s UV rays that cause the yellowing of gray hair. (Vitamin C serum can also cause yellowing so be careful when applying it to the face.) Using “clean” clear or white color products will help in keeping your silvers, well, silver.
- Purple or Blue
If your hair is already yellowing, try using a purple (for blonds) or blue (for brunettes) shampoo or conditioner once or twice a month. You can also add blue or purple toning drops to your favorite shampoo and conditioner for a cheaper alternative. Do not add the drops to the bottle, but instead mix it up in a separate bowl. Also, avoid using yellow or darker colored hair products; clear, white, or light colors are better for silver hair.
- Be Patient
You will not see results overnight. If you are committed to ditching the dye, you will be rewarded with more silver every month, as your hair grows naturally. Using “clean” products and practicing CGM will make your hair and scalp healthier as well. Depending on how long your hair is, the process of growing out your silver can take 6 to 24 months. You can always change your mind if you do not like how it makes you feel or look.
- Stay Young At Heart
When you grow out the gray, reevaluate your entire look. The colors you used to wear may need to be updated. Your grays may benefit from a more flattering hairstyle. A change in your haircut, glasses (shape and color), lipstick shades, and clothes can significantly enhance your complexion and keep the motivation going.
- Follow Gray Haired Models
Many silver queens on Instagram are truly inspiring. Click to see some influencers.
Check out these posts as well How to Care for Gray Hair and the free Ultimate Guide to Temporary Colors for Gray Curly Hair.
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