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The Benefit Of Curls

The Benefit Of Curls

A young woman writing on a notepad while sitting in a coffee shop

If you need any motivation or encouragement to embrace your natural hair please read on!  Here are the top 10 reasons why you should showcase your natural curls, coils and waves.

1. Natural Hair Is Much Easier

You can actually save time and effort by going with your natural hair! But you have to use the right products and techniques for your hair texture. When you do, you can wash, style, dry and go several days in a row.

2. No More Chemical Smells

We always disliked the smell from chemical and flat iron treatments on our hair. It can burn the hair and scalp causing irritation and severe damage… then there is the burned scent.  Ew!

3. No More Heat Damage

Flat irons and high heat styling products. What more can be said about this, right? Using high heat on hair harms the integrity of hair bonds leading to frizz, dryness, and breakage. 

4. Lots Of Awesome Hair Products 

The natural hair industry woke up many years ago and we now have access to so many excellent organic and natural products specifically designed for curly hair! Find our favorites here!

5. Lots Of Amazing YouTubers To Discover

We love @SunkissAlba, @ManesbyMel, and @AmberAnsah, just to name a few. These and many other amazing women show us how to discover, style, and embrace our natural curls. There is help to be found all over the world.

6.  Be A Role Model

By being your original, authentic self, you set a good example for your kids. And if they also have curly or coily hair, teach them not only to treat it right but to love it too. Through being authentic and natural, you will teach others about being their authentic selves along the way. What is more impactful than that?

7. Embrace Your Uniqueness

You do not need to conform to what society thinks you should look like.  You are unique.  Your natural hair is unique. Your gray curls are unique.  Cherish them. 

8. Save Money

That’s right, wearing your hair curly (and gray) costs less than chemically processing or coloring your hair and spending time and money on heat tools. With a few curly hair products to start with, you could spend less time and money on your hair.​ We will show you how. 

9. Curls Are Trending…And Always Will Be 

It is amazing (and let’s face it, encouraging) to see that more and more people now want to embrace their natural curls. Many celebrities are sporting their natural hair and magazines everywhere are showing off gorgeous women on their covers with their natural hair.

10. Save Water And Time 

Imagine how much time (and money) you will save by washing your hair less often. Some curlies can wash 1-2 times a week while others can stretch their wash days to 7 days or more. How awesome is that?!  Finding the right protein-moisture balance will help stave off an itchy scalp and dryness.  

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Absolutely Everything Curly

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