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Curly Girl Summertime Beach Hair Essentials

Curly Girl Summertime Beach Hair Essentials

happy young women having fun together at the beach

Most of us love the beach!  The sun, the waves, the new bathing suits, the pool, the pina coladas!  But alas, the sun, saltwater, and pool chlorine also wreak havoc on our precious curls.  Here are some tips and techniques to protect your hair. 

  1. Bring a large wide brim sun hat, or one of those caps that are specially designed for a ponytail.  A scarf or turban is also a good way to add a touch of fashion poolside or on the beach. Much like we apply SPF to save our skin, these wearable sun protectants save our precious curls.
  1. Avoid stretching the curls out completely. Put your hair up in a pineapple or hair clasp to pull it up.  If you have a gel cast from refreshing, leave it in place.  The heat will actually “dissolve” the cast while keeping your curls as protected as possible. Try a nice scarf large enough to cover the entire head or use it as a wrap to spruce up a pineapple.
  1. Bring plenty of satin or silk scrunchies to put your hair up and keep you cool. Claw clips are also great and a perfect way to put up a pretty french twist or bun.
  1. Protect your hair from UV radiation and sun exposure with specially formulated CG friendly products such as Babo Botanicals Conditioner UV Sport Spray.
  1. Wash your hair after any water activities (especially ones involving chlorinated pool water) with a conditioning shampoo. Hot tubs and salt water pools are sanitized with chemicals that you want to remove from your hair.  Use a clarifying shampoo at the end of the vacation to revive curls.
  1. Tie up your hair for swimming in a braid, pigtails, etc. Spray or spritz the hair with a water/conditioner blend right before swimming so there is less space for the pool or ocean water to soak in.  Also try to layer and seal the hair with oil before you jump in the sea (do not add oil if you are going to a communal swimming pool).
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